
Cancel is a politically loaded punk-rock anthem that’s going to make some people angry, but if you’re not of that section of the demographic, you’re in for a blast.

An alt-punk outfit from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, composed of brothers Millen and Arjen Schuchert. Loaded guitar and drums are the way to go for Griffin Handshake. A punk formula that’s as old as time. With fewer elements, it’s easier for a piece of music to sound flat, uninspired, and literally missing something, which drives the duo’s sound into a frantic format that’s endlessly hyped up. Loud, pleasantly compressed, and mixed in with a surgeon’s precision, the guitar is thick and deliciously overdriven, sounding gutsy and bold, while retaining just enough quality for the strings to ring and for the chords to come through. Think Greenday on a diet. 

Coming to the lyrics. The song is anti Cancel Culture. A ballsy stance for a band on the rise. There’s obviously nothing sinister about the lyrics, on the contrary, they scold the generally toxic atmospheres that prevail over the internet and social media, and call for allowing for more personal freedom. Cancel Culture is definitely a more complex situation than what can be dissected in a single 2-minute punk song, or even in this article, but it remains a political issue that can be polarizing for any potential fans of Griffin Handshake.

Youthful. Energetic, hyperactive, jumpy, reckless, and bold. Everything about this cut screams youth. Refreshing and empowering, but ultimately a decision the duo may come to regret with age.