A hard-hitting single from the Ohio-based duo Absinthe Vows, ‘Blue Wounds’ showcases the duo’s ability to fuse their influences seamlessly, resulting in a deeply engaging sound. A deep, rumbling groove, unique vocal presence, and an ominous nature, ‘Blue Wounds’ is an exciting piece of indie/alt rock.
Based in Columbus, Ohio, Absinthe Vows is a duo composed of Mike and Justin, with an inception date in 2021. ‘Blue Wounds’, and its 3 guises, are presented as a single off the band’s upcoming full-length release. ‘Blue Wounds’ is a dark-sounding release with a rolling drum beat that sounds like boulders rushing down a mountain, crushing everything in their way. Alongside the heavy-handed drums, the song brandishes amazing rhythm guitar parts that border on noise rock territory, but their placement in the background of the mix relegates them to the position of characterful atmospherics, and on the subject of atmospherics we need to mention the vocal line. Memorable, the vocal motif carries the song forward and gives it its 80s indie flair.
The single is presented alongside an alternate mix and a remix. The remix is made with a more polished mix that makes without the original mix’s megaphone-distorted vocals for vocals that are a little lighter and more organic. The drums too are a bit breathier, and the compression is a little softer, while the alternative mix heightens the tension with the reintroduction of vocal distortion, alongside more of the harrowing harmonies in the background and higher volume for the noisy rhythm guitars.
‘Blue Wounds’ is a bold and brash, dark indie rock anthem for the outcasts. A song that showcases Absinthe Vows’ affection for Joy Division and Nirvana, with quite the distinct flavor.