Beyond the Event Horizon “BTEH” a polish instrumental alternative rock band who just released their first LP. BTEH was formed in 2010 in Poznan, Poland on the initiative ofMark and Adam the current guitarists.
BTEH is a band with “zero cliché” as they stated, furthermore you can tell that from their music, the listener may be confused with the music at first, and mentioning confused is not a negative sign. What I mean by “confused” here is that the listener won’t clearly get the vision right by the first play. The listener may fall into an ocean of vibes to determine the song’s emotional theme.
The tracks in this piece had meaningful tunes, it’s violent for a couple of minutes but its simple in the following minutes and by the end of the track its ambiguous! They translated more complicated motions into simple musical notes. The LP has a lot of musical theme mixtures, it gets you up and down, right and left. It has a lot of distinctive themes.
Giving Event Horizon as a title for this LP is very adequate with the musical theme, It gives you an eventful vibe and makes you roam in the horizons of that event.
All of the elements in the track are moving together, beginning with the drums moving to the guitars and the riffs and crossing with the keyboards and the bass lines, they are all consistent.
The motional ambiguity in the tracks is interesting, I found it challenging to get fully emotional with the tracks, which is hard to find in some of the new music. And most especially with instrumental rock.
In my opinion this album is wonderful and it’s also a very interesting piece of music, it’s telling a lot about its composers, the talented members of Beyond The Event Horizon. These talented musicians are:
- Adam Kowalka – Guitar
- Marek Chorążyczewski – Guitar
- Tytus Adamczewski – Keyboard
- Jakub Puszynski – Bass
- Pawel Michalowski – Drums
We wish to hear soon from BTEH in their upcoming work.
Edited by: Bishoy Nader