Warm and sweet, Trickshooter Social Club’s latest single ‘Better Than Love’ is a dazzling display of pop rock with a clear affinity for folk and some truly touching words,

A 6-piece rock band hailing from Chicago, Trickshooter Social Club are led by Larry Liss and frontman Steve Simoncic who have been music partners for years playing in bands around Chicago. Together the duo is responsible for writing all songs for Trickshooter Social Club, and on their latest single, the band are arguing that there’s something even better and more fulfilling than love.

The group are arguing that in the complete acceptance of the one sitting beside us, whether they be a family member, a friend, or a significant other, in the acceptance of all their flaws and drawbacks, and in having zero intention in changing anything about them whatsoever we find something that’s sweeter, more fulfilling, and more sustainable than love. The backing for this probable theory is an involved rock ensemble full of colorful rhythm guitars and memorable vocal melodies. The sweet composition on the song, the stirring cello solo, and the striking piano performance throughout make ‘Better Than Love’ a very gripping and mature arrangement that’s reminiscent of Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds’ more soulful cuts, or like a poetic Leonard Cohen offering.

‘Better Than Love’ is lyrically and musically mature. A piece of engaging songwriting with a beautiful arrangement and a balanced mix that we can’t get enough of.