
Originating from West London, Beat The Drum began as a cult band in the late eighties, recording singles and a debut album before disbanding for several years. During this time, Chris and Steve, the members of the latest Beat The Drum reinvention, pursued new musical ventures. Starting afresh, the duo continued to build a following as truly independent songwriting, creating their signature ‘beautiful noise’. Refusing to be confined under the umbrella of any genre or expectation they blend all they know together, making something distinctly their own. With full artistic control, they embody their mission statement: ‘WE MAKE THE RULES’.

‘Shine Like A Star’, their latest single, balances the robotic and the ethereal, building a constant tension and grabbing the attention of the listener. A steady, punchy beat, chopped electronic vocals against the lead melody and falling synth and bass lines, all come together to blend rock and electronica. By pulling apart guitars and bright synths alongside this distorted unease, they bring a shimmering forward movement, never dipping and peaking, but consistently diving deeper into their audience’s ears.

Beat The Drum adds, “’Shine Like A Star’ started with a repeating looped guitar and developed into a strangely uplifting hypnotic song. We wanted to get what we describe as a sweet and sour element into the song. So the verses list negative states of action and of mind but keeps evolving into the chorus which is almost ecstatic. The chorus builds as it repeats and has become a favourite singalong live. It feels like we have found our way to where we should be, producing work that excites us”.

Plus Music PR