Youssef Nagy

Alkanes – A Different Kind Of Perfect

Alkanes are an alternative rock and metal band from Scotland, and at first I wasn’t sure if I’d like them since this isn’t exactly the kind of music I...

Fairy’s Law – The Black Liquid will Send You To Heaven

I’m usually a metal and chugging guitars kind of guy, but sometimes I want to listen to something a bit more peaceful. That’s where my ambient and atmospheric playlist...

Dark Phantom – Nation Of Dogs

Dark Phantom, an Iraqi band in a rapidly growing Middle Eastern metal scene has to offer something different in order to stand out. I only listened to one of their...

Interview with Kilmara

Ah, Barcelona! This country is loaded with Metal acts, Kilmara is a rising Melodic Heavy Metal act from Spain, as they describe themselves. They’ve been around since 2003, and...

Bridge to Nowhere – Wars of Avalmeth

I often review music from newer bands so I don’t keep my expectations too high. Since when you listen to demos of bands that are big today, they aren’t...

Ensilenced – Curse

I rarely ever play a track more than three times when it comes to single-track reviews. But this track really is something different. I saw the album cover and it...