Natsky D

Natsky is an ardent music lover with a passion for rock, metal and electronic music. Natsky graduated 6th grade piano and 5th grade music theory, from the Royal Music School in London. She has also studied the history of rock music, and done various PR activities for musicians locally and around the world. Born in the UAE, Natsky aims to support the rock/metal music scene in the country, recognizing talent from one of the most cosmopolitan countries in the world, and discovering the sheer depth that lies behind this genre.

Reading the Book of Souls by Iron Maiden

What an incredible full-moon weekend! For many Iron Maiden fans, we partied out to the new and album by the metal legends - The Book of Souls - impressed...

Exclusive: Interview with Tim Owens

Metal heads in Dubai are surely in for a treat on the 21st of May as Tim ‘Ripper’ Owens will be performing at the music room and even more...

Interview with Stigmata

“Sri Lanka isn’t exactly a country known for Metal, nor known for anything really. So when I happened to come across this full length release, Silent Chaos Serpentine, I...

Rock n’ Roll, Rape & the Rat Race

Once in a while a band comes along that makes you stand up, take notice, and remember yes, here’s music with a soul. That’s what this reporter thought of...

Interview with Svengali

These boys have been killing it since they started preforming last summer. Svengali, a Dubai based band have got the metal audience of the UAE on the edge of...

Interview with Aramaic

Rock Era takes a look at a fusion metal band, Aramaic  - who combines sounds from the Arab culture with the powerful forces of death metal. Aramaic are L-...