Big Troppy is a four-piece punk rock band from Bermingham who started their career in 2020, they released 3 singles off their upcoming ep so far and we’ll be reviewing their latest single “Always on Our Minds” today.

“Always on Our Minds” is a fast, energetic punk rock tune yet, it has lots of melody in its main riff. The drums intro was a smart move, it’ll grab your attention and make you receive the main riff with total anticipation till they hit you with the verse that has a full-of-life vocal melody. As a matter of fact, the vocal melody throughout the song is remarkable, especially the sing-along chorus, it’ll work perfectly as an opener in gigs or on the record. It’s overall enjoyable and will keep you moving and the way they played that melodic solo at the end and took it from there to that headbanger outro was pretty cool and surprising.
“Always on Our Minds” is a dynamic and energetic release that’ll keep you hooked till the end, looking forward to the whole ep.

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