
“Steely Barista” has that rockabilly vibes with a hint of blues. It contains all the musical influences blended to create one explosive and seductive combination. “How we Play” is a much more nuanced track, with simple, 50s-inspired lyrics and rockabilly guitar licks. The intro in “Ain’t Got the Time” is fast-paced, guitars are insane, the energy and the unrefined jangly abandon of the whole song make it an exceptional addition to the EP and set the tone for “Southern by the Grace of God” which is very Americana, and heavily-gospel, like a true American country-rock ballad.
It would be so easy to write off Pegasaurus as a one-off due to the overexposure that their highly influential, heavily addicting new EP will cause them. Steely Barista won’t go unannounced as it fights its way in a rather dull and incapacitating music scene. And to counter that effect, Pegasaurus are required to balance their success with their creativity, so that the anticipation for their upcoming work continues to rise.


 Follow Pegasaurus on Spotify and Bandcamp.


Jaylan Salah