The 12 songs that singer-songwriter Pidgie performs on her debut album “Just Breathe” will make you feel like a fresh summer breath of fresh air that will change your mood and maybe your vision of things too.

Due to her physical condition turned disability advocate, Pidgie has struggled with living with a disability her whole life but has never let it stop her from achieving her goals in life, she believes that one can overcome any obstacles in life with creative perseverance.

Because making music has always been a part of Pidgie’s life and she has found solace in creative expression, and through the inspiring and powerful lyrics of “Just Breathe” she gives voice to those who struggle to find a voice for themselves and reminds them that they matter and hold on to the perseverance and struggle of living with a disability.

“Just Breathe” is a rock star jingle, guitar star of its tunes, about relationships and the ravages of love, guitars at the forefront of its melodies creating a lively ambiance as a Pidgie spell cast on you.

Pidgie’s vocals are hoarse and full of emotion and depth, letting each emotion-packed performance reach your soul.

A song like “Accessory” will take you higher for its great music and get you ready for a rock-and-roll vibe that it can deliver so easily, the guitar solos in “Kick Ass Boots” highlight the impressive electric action constantly in the background. In addition to the original sound performance.

The album’s lead single “Just Breathe” along with “Hell Again” and “I Wish I Know How It Would To Be Free” explore other genres. Songs like “Hell Again” ’80s instruments create a nostalgic vibe.

In “What A Price To Pay” the guitar lends the song a sense of drama and power as Pidgie sings about someone who doesn’t know who they are. “Kick Ass Boots” features witty lyrics and a killer melody that speaks to the theme of empowerment and creative perseverance.

Many of the tracks in “Just Breathe” depict Pidgie rising above the grief caused by the pressures of love. While she vows in “No Tomorrow” that there are no tears, no more sorrow, and a sense of imminent victory.

At Just Breathe, each song is meticulously crafted and in unique detail that speaks to the art of Pidgie. It is a very dynamic and energetic album, encouraging you to embrace your own life and strength. This creativity is contagious, and I hope it will infect you too.