Freddie’s Original EP “It’s ok, I’m okay” is here to break the rules of genres and labelling. With six songs that clock in over 12 minutes is your perfect excuse to take a break and procrastinate a little bit. It’s ok 😉
A Melodic Pop/Rock, Alt-Rock compilation of tunes that open up to the next-gen of music: a genderless way of expressing emotions and personalities.
The lyrics are sugarcoat-free, saying things as they are. For example, the last song of the group, “Cross the Sun”, uses the b*tch-word to refer to and wish someone to pass on to a better life.
The song that gives the name to the album, “It’s ok, I’m okay” is a fun spiral that makes you feel like you’re falling on a loophole or finding yourself on a hamster-wheel kinda life, all while convincing yourself that is acceptable.
Producing, recording, and engineering most of all his body of work, Freddie just continues to deliver fresh, DIY, one-of-a-kind music that only raises the bar higher for his future self.
A surprise in every turn, each minute of the album and of each song counts as if they were separate stories that somehow can all cohexist and make sense together.
Throughout the whole album, the overall feeling or message that Freddie’s music transfers are uplifting and energetic. His style is hard or even unfair to compare to anything else.
Every song is a new, unique story that doesn’t follow a straight storyline, arbitrarily introducing new sounds.
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