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Chronos by Transcending into the Unknown
‘Chronos’ is a shapeshifting and dramatic ballad that’s deeply impactful with its haunting melodies and stirring solos. An ambitious undertaking, Transcending into the Unknown...
Giants by Transcending Into the Unknown
Showing their heavier side, the Norwegian trio Transcending Into the Unknown dropped their 2nd single Giants on the 12th of January 2024. The trio...
Transcending Into the Unknown by Transcending Into the Unknown
Music, metal, Norway…whenever these three words come together, they instantly give us a very special genre to many of our hearts….Norwegian Black Metal…
The Norwegian...
Matter Of Time by The Silent Era
London based atmospheric alt-rock group 'The Silent Era' has released their latest single "Matter Of Time" on the 28th of April...The hauntingly mesmerizing song...